Looking for someone to ship to me

Hi, there's nothing about this in the rules so I hope this is okay to post. I'm located in Australia and I collect any and all types of rallidae (birds), one of which im hoping to get stuff of is the Okinawa rail! I'm looking for someone within Okinawa (or Japan in general if you can access the same things) for me to give money to to collect Okinawa rail items for me and send them, or I buy them directly and ship them to your address, etc.
Almost all of the ones online don't ship to Australia, thats why im needing an address within Japan to send things to first, then I can get together a group of stuff and pay for the shipping cost to Australia! Would love stuff straight from that rail zoo/museum too! Mostly after plushies but im interested in anything! Not going to start immediately because I'm trying not to spend much rn but soon!

by Meeper1248

  1. There are forwarding services that you could probably use. If the place will ship to a Japanese address, then you can have it shipped to the forwarding service, that will then send it on to you.

    Here’s one for example: https://www.forward2me.com/warehouses/japan/ but there are a number of them, so probably check around first.

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