Are “personal injuries” really that common?

Unfortunately I’ve just witnessed (luckily not directly) an accident. I just feel really, really bad and shocked.

The people I know don’t seem to be concerned much, so I start to wonder if I’m being over sensitive or they really just got used to?

The scary thing is that the train kept going even though there was a damn blue tarp on the platform.

Also, not all the times they announce the real cause of the delay, even though someone got hurt.

Part of me wished that this thing didn’t happen and that person is okay.

I feel stupid writing this on Reddit, but I am just shocked.

Did any of you experience something like this?

I am too scared to go to the train stations now.

by Remote-Caregiver-159

  1. You mean somebody jumped on the tracks? Yes not that uncommon. It doesnt happen in your country of origin?

  2. I’ve seen a soul be carried away behind the curtains at the station. Now that person was not okay and trains did not keep running, because some cleanup was needed. And, that person didn’t intend to be okay.

    I’m a bit confused about your story. You hope they’re okay? Train kept running? Was it actually an accident? If it’s the same situation I would just assume they’re gone.

  3. Japanese here.

    Yes, it is common. And we are just getting used to it. However it is really shocking if you witness it before your eyes.

    I hope the poor soul rest in peace.

  4. The person is wrapped in a blue tarp on the floor and you hope they are ok?

    Im afraid they are most likely not!

  5. Friend is a driver on the Yamanote line. JR takes care of them well, but its apparently common to be involved in at least 10 fatal accidents in ones career. 

  6. Not to belittle your experience but you got traumatized from seeing blue tarp on the train tracks, yes?

  7. If you live in big/busy cities, and you are iut and about often, you WILL see people get hurt often enough as to not pay too much attention.

    I’ve seen people fight in the train (yes, inside)

    I’ve seen a guy tackle a girl because she took his wallet.

    I’ve seen people get arrested on the platform, and they put up a fight.

    I’ve seen in two occasions an elderly person not wake up on their stop, and their friends (also elderly) start freaking out.

    I’ve seen people fall on the stairs and get hurt badly, same from escalators.

    ive seen cyclists get hit by car, AND a car get hit by a cyclist.

    saw a motorcyclist get run over in ropongi.

    Another motorcyclist lose control and slide down the road.

    not to mention the things i saw growing up in Mexico 🥲

    Anyway… you just stop caring and go on about your day 😌

  8. It bothers everyone that sees this sort of thing. I don’t think the people in my life have any idea that it bothers me as much as it does.

    Theres not a lot of opportunities to talk about it, or express yourself, and because it’s such a universal experience there’s a sense that there’s no point dwelling on it.

    But please don’t assume that other people are heartless, nor that you are somehow weird for being disturbed by it.

  9. I was in the train when it was hit by someone jumping. They apparently had friends, as there were three other people who were on their knees crying and reaching out towards where the person had been. I felt bad, because it feels like there should be more done to help people in such dire straights. Things are being fixed, slowly, to put barriers up to prevent “easy” access to such immediate methods of ending one’s life. That doesn’t really fix the root of the problem, though.

    In the moment when I got off the train I felt most sorry not only for the person who’s life had just ended, but also for the train conductor who was the one at the front of the train and would have witnessed everything.

  10. I’ve seen an Uber deliver in his bike crushed by a Taxi in Asakusa. The next day, all his life was resumed by a number on the nearest Koban where the incident happened.

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