Pitfalls to look out for when applying for J-find?

I moved to Japan last year under the working holiday visa and am sending off my application for J-find next week. (The Yokoyama Law officehas informed me that I need to apply for a COE but will not have to leave the country.) I graduated from an elite university with a music degree and consistently topped my classes, but I'm wondering if indicating that I want to try and find work as a professional composer might harm my application.

I would be combining this with plans to look for teaching work and going through new graduate recruitment for game industry composing jobs. I've also identified people I want to approach and networking events I want to tend and have included them in my list of activities. Within any of this, are there things which anyone would warn against including, and are there any other things I need to be wary of when filling out my application?

by maguroku

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