Final rundown of random questions

Thanks to everybody in this sub and the other one. I've gotten a lot of great itinerary ideas and tips for staying next week. I posted an itinerary in the Japan Travel sub, if you have time and want to check it out that'd be awesome too. I'll be spending the majority of my time in Tokyo and Kyoto, with some side trips from my home bases.

I have a handful of random questions left and I figured I'd just drop them here, just in case they might be helpful for others.

1. Bag for bringing items back home (US) – My initial plan was to bring a big travel backpack with a packable backpack and sling. On the way back I would throw my purchases into the travel bag to check, while keeping the sling and packable bag with me. Then it dawned on me that it might not be the best idea to stow whiskey and other possible fragile items in a softsided carry. Any thoughts on this, or tips in general? What I'd probaby do instead is bring a roller with the travel backpack inside to check it on the way, and bring the other two on the plane with me as carry ons, then break them out on the way back.

2. Cool kitchen knife – Would love to bring back a Nakiri. Any recommendations?

3. Selvedge Denim – I have a couple denim shops I want to hit in Shinjuku. Any other recs would be welcomed.

4. Vintage/graphic tees – I so rarely buy either anymore, so I thought it would be cool to grab something local or specific to

5. Sneakers – Same as above for Nikes or Adidas sneakers. Something I can't get in a Dick's Sporting Goods or shipped to the US would be pretty cool.

6. Apple TV – When I travel in the states I usually bring my Apple TV with me, so I can just plug it into hotels where I'm staying. I reason I wouldn't be able to do that here? I don't anticipate being in my hotel a bunch, and can always use my iPad, but it is a creature comfort of sorts.

7. Cool places to run – I like getting up early and running. I think it's a good way to see the City. I've perused some other posts and see folks like to run by the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Any other suggestions for Tokyo or Kyoto?

8. Daytrip/rain ideas – I had some day trips to Kamakura, Nara, Himeji, etc built into my itinerary. I always like to plan or assume something will go sideways because of weather, tiredness, etc. Anything that feels like it would be a good rainy day activity in either location. My default would always be museums or movies I guess.

9. Cool place to see a movie? – I go to the movies almost once a week. It'd be cool to see a movie in a unique place of sorts.

Anything I missed? I'm on my own and always up for a cool experience. Thanks in advance!


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