Anyone here ever work at Big Echo? Am I allowed to work there?

Or any similar karaoke establishment? I’ve been living here on dependent visa with 28-h work permit. So, I’ve been thinking since I love going to karaoke a lot, I might as well get a part time job at Big Echo near my house for that hefty 30% staff discount. The only problem is I’m not sure if these karaoke boxes fall under 風俗営業 which my work permit does not allow. Researching on the internet on this matter came up pretty vague. So here I am asking Reddit if any of you have experience working there under the same circumstances.

1 comment
  1. I think [this page]( covers it pretty well. Most karaoke boxes fall under 風俗営業 type 6.

    If you are forbidden from working at any type of 風俗営業 then probably a kareoke box is also forbidden. However I am not an immigration specialist, I recommend you call immigration and speak with them. Be clear that you want to work at a Big Echo, not a snack/bar/club/etc.

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