Changing Residency Status

It’s not stupid question weekend yet, so apologize in advance.

I am still under 1 year in Japan and I wanted to ask if it is possible to change from my current status residence via spousal visa to a work related one?

I’ve tried googling to see if anyone has actually done that route, but coming up short.

I recently got a job with a reputable Japanese company and (not that there are any issues….yet), I understand that if (knock on wood, hopefully never), I have marital issues leading to legal seperation that affects my residency status since it tied to my partner.

This is just a preemptive question just to know what possibilities I have at my disposal in case the unexpected happens.

  1. >It’s not stupid question weekend yet, so apologize in advance.

    Yes it is. Look at the top thread on the subreddit.

    Wednesday is question day.

    You can switch easily, just get the paperwork from your job. It doesn’t cost them anything, just need to get a proof of employment basically.

  2. Yes, but also consider that moving off of a spouse status to a work-related status has the potential to _cause_ marital issues…

  3. I’m currently doing this, switching from a spouse visa to a work visa as I got a full time position, it is completely possible.

  4. Makes zero sense. You are clearly having marital troubles if you’re going to switch, or are planning to have affairs and don’t want people to find out easily that you’re married.

    Spousal visa is much better than a work visa in every way. Taxes, visa stability, work opportunities, PR movement.

    The reason you can’t find many answers, even though it is possible, is because it’s a stupid thing to do.

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