Can I renew my international driving permit when I go back to the states for the summer?

I got an international driving permit right before coming to Japan. I also brought everything I thought I needed to convert my license into a Japanese one (in my state I don’t have to take the driving test in Japan thankfully). I told my boe this and they said converting the license would be better to do in April since it was busy. So I, thinking my boe knows best, left it to them. Lo and behold it is the end of June and I once again told them about my permit expiring, and now they’re scrambling to get an appointment for me as it is once again busy. It seems like the next open time would be in September which is of course not possible because I need to drive when I come back from the states. So, is it possible to renew my international driving permit once I go back to the US for another year?

Alrighty so from what I’ve gathered the answer to my question is…a big fat no. Thanks everyone for commenting, you were all very helpful and I appreciate your help!

by Funny_Ad5402

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