Hi! Asking for a friend who’s studying Japanese, why is there no “ha”(wa) after Australia?

Hi! Asking for a friend who’s studying Japanese, why is there no “ha”(wa) after Australia?

  1. Australia isn’t the topic of the sentence. The topic is an unstated “I” (although, without context, the topic could be someone or something else – for example, if someone said this while pointing to a kangaroo at a zoo in Tokyo, it would mean “That kangaroo came from Australia” and “that kangaroo” would be the topic).

  2. The は denotes the topic of the sentence, which in this case is “I”, inferred via context. (*I* come from Australia.) If you wanted to be super clear, you would say:


    But if you’re talking about yourself you can usually omit the わたしは. So as topic is inferred, no は is needed.

  3. ~~Just another thing seems no one has mentioned: there’s already a particle から (“from”) after オーストラリア. Each noun should have exactly one particle, so you can’t add another particle は here.~~

    Edit: I was wrong. See replies below.

  4. Others have answered the question. So I just wanted to add that if your friend wants to gain a better understanding of particles like “wa” and when to use them, I recommend this playlist:


    That Youtube channel has been the single best Japanese learning resource I’ve come across, and makes a lot of the more complicated-seeming elements of the language make a lot more sense.

  5. Another way to think of it is there’s only going to be one particle attached to a verb/noun/adjective/sentence. In this case with “Australia”, the particle “kara” is already attached, so you wouldn’t add another.

  6. duolingo also isn’t a good tool to learn japanese, it’s decent for practising but not for learning

  7. 「私は私が」オーストラリアから来ました。

    私 is the topic and technically the subject. Not オーストラリア

    As for me (は), I (が) came Australia (から来ました)

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