Why is manga so hard to read!

Not trying to be that one guy but why is manga so much harder to read than a LN or even a children’s book.

  1. Depends on what kind of manga you’re reading. The target demo for LNs and children’s books are young adults and kids. If you’re reading manga aimed at working adults, you’ll get adult-level Japanese, like a regular novel or something. I suggest looking for manga specifically intended for a younger demo if you don’t want to deal with all the kanji, like Yotsuba or something like that.

  2. A lot of spoken language, but written down. So the language is not always “correct”, but rather a representation of how it’s spoken. Or at least that’s my guess. I also have a hard time understanding manga. I have to read some words out loud to hear what they sound like, and then try to figure out what word it is from the sound. すげぇぇー instead of すごい for example. Just the first word that came to mind.

  3. Is it really harder than a LN? Until now I only read manga and normal books and think books are a lot more hard to read than manga. I wanted to try some LNs soon so I’m curious, I always thought the difficulty is somewhere between a manga and a normal book.

  4. Text bubbles are limited, so there’s more information that needs to be shoved into a small frame. I especially notice this in 4koma, because almost every panel will have its own gag.

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