Gifting advice needed for my Japanese friend

Konnichiwa folks,
I have a friend who is Japanese whom I meant in a flight last year. Over the year, we have been in touch and fortunately, I am travelling to Japan later this month.

Since she is native of Kyoto , she has agreed to show me the spots in Kyoto and nearby areas.

I do not want to go out to meet her empty handed. Also her birthday is coming up , so I want to gift her something.

Last year she has visited Jaipur in India and she liked it a lot. I’m thinking of gifting her hand made ear-rings from Jaipur. But I’m confused whether this is an acceptable gift in the Japanese society or not. Or would you guys suggest something else like a fruit basket or chocolates ?

Excited to hear your suggestions as I’m not very well aware with the Japanese culture.

Arigato Goziamasu

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