How does everybody respond to Japanese family members saying ‘you’ve gotten fat’ when they see you

I understand 幸せ太りis supposed to be a good thing, but the last time somebody said you’ve gained weight I said ‘so have you’ and I could tell they didn’t like it (for the record, that person is definitely bigger than me)

I am not fat at all. I run 5 days a week before work and also do strength training.

I often find that the person saying it can’t take back what they dish out to other people and if it’s not supposed to be insulting why do they feel that they don’t want it to be said back to them?

  1. Tell them they’re *so* skinny, and ask if they’re having trouble eating or procuring the right foods. You’re really worried about their health, they look anorexic almost! Don’t they have enough protein? Their muscle mass is non-existent! Suggest they go to the gym with you. etc.

  2. Sounds like you are having self esteem issues. Instead of being passive aggressive back to them maybe learn to brush off comments like that ?

  3. I wouldn’t say anything rude to the wife’s family, regardless of what they say to me. They obviously don’t have anything else to say and just defaulted to that type of comment. I just roll with it.

  4. Just say “Have I?” and change the subject.

    Commenting on peoples’ weight is normal in much of Asia. There’s no use getting bent out of shape about it.

    If you lost weight, they’d say you aren’t eating enough.

  5. If I don’t know the person well or just don’t like them/want to continue the interaction I’ll tilt my head and give a little “hmm” noise in a *bless your heart* tone to shut it down.

    It’s different if your in-law comments on it in a concerned way because they’re worried about your well being. *You’ve gained weight and seem down are you doing alright?* etc.

    But bullying is bullying and clearly your in-law didn’t like being called out on their own behavior. That tells you how they meant it.

  6. Every time I have been told I have gotten fatter, I have. And a lot of the time I was told 痩せた?I actually did. So when someone pats my belly and says, I have gained weight, then I realize I should maybe cut down a bit on the Gin and 朝マック, no big deal.

    My family back home also patted on my belly when it got bigger and got worried when I got too thin when I was a student and living alone the first time.

    Oh and 太ったね、doesn’t mean that you are fat, it can just mean you gained weight which can be true, so what?

  7. >I am not fat at all. I run 5 days a week before work and also do strength training.

    Lift your shirt and show them your sixpack?

  8. >the last time somebody said you’ve gained weight I said ‘so have you’

    That’s great. Keep saying that.

    “Not as much as you” is also good.

  9. I lost 10 pounds and got told that I looked like I gained weight. Tell them that they look like they got older. Fight fire with fire.

  10. You do realize that it’s the equivalent of “Married life’s treating you well!”

    So when you shut them down, you’re actually implying that your marriage is rocky right now.

    I must be really, really happy in my marriage! 🎅


  11. I used to rub my belly and comment on how Japanese potato chips were unfortunately too delicious. if its muscle, tell them that. can point out you need mass to build muscle. They are probably just saying it as a comment but if they are actually saying it to stir you then you lose by getting annoyed anyway.

  12. When my mother-in-law was calling me fat, my wife was laughing then she had a go at my wife for not cooking healthy food haha

  13. It’s just an Asian thing. Prevalent in Korean and Chinese culture. Why do Westerners get so triggered over this lmao. You’re either not fat or you did gain weight.

  14. I feel you. I was called skinny by my extended family all the way to my early 20s. I worked out my ass off for a few years, put on some muscle, and they changed their tune to “you’re too big”. Couple of decades later, I’m into long distance running, slimmed down, in the best shape of my life, but here it comes: “you’ve lost so much weight, you look sick”.

    I usually laugh it off and just say: “Thanks!”

    It really grinds their gears considering none of them practice any sports and a good half of them are plain overweight or obese. Imagine me calling those out for being fat? Yikes. Some people will never be happy with how you look, my only advice is that if you and your SO are, that’s plenty!

  15. Americans losing their shit lol

    I’m 193cm (6.4 feet) and barely 80kgs (176 pounds) and I heard people tell me the same a few times.

    Other times I heard someone commenting about how skinny I am, which can be hurtful as much as being told you’re fat.

    Just ignore it, that will hardly change imho (or by the time it will, we’ll be long gone).

  16. I always tell them that I stress eat as a result of being married to their daughter, which gets lots of understanding and sympathy.

  17. Last time I visited my girlfriend’s parents they commented that I’d lost weight and then spent the rest of dinner ripping on her brother for getting a beer belly. To me the answer is clear: sabotage another relative to make them get noticably fatter, allowing you to fly under the radar.

  18. I respond “**Yeah I’ve been on the see-food diet… you know when I** ***see*** **food….**” and then let it become awkward because her parents cannot speak English and don’t get the pun but I can speak Japanese so I have all the intellectual power. I win if it gets awkward.

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