SOFA status Visa to Spousal Visa 質問

Planning to separate from the US military from Japan next year. My wife is a Japanese national. We plan to move into a smaller apartment from our current home.

Upon leaving the military, will I simply go to city hall/immigration and create a Zairyu card and swap my visa status?

Any advice is appreciated! Excited to leave active duty and pursue other IT系 opportunities.

1 comment
  1. 1)Go to the “Immigration Services Agency Of Japan” website
    2) read through -follow instructions
    3) you may need a lawyer
    4) You will STILL HAVE TO PAY TAXES TO U.S. Government-I.R.S.
    5) U.S. & Japan have a reciprocal “Tax Treaty”.
    6) Go to the Reddit Chat ” JapanFinance” Great Information and Guidance.
    7) Good Luck —

    Maybe someone on the base has knowledge of the procedure.

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