How reliable is SUUMO?

Our experience: using SUUMO app is so smooth, I can find so many things; SUUMO web is also great, b/c browser auto-translates it for me.

But then we send a SUUMO listing to our real estate agent and they almost always get back to us saying that the listing is no longer available.

Just to test this, I’ve also contacted the listed agent on a few offers and they get back saying that the apt was already rented out, sometimes a day or two after the listing was published!

So I’m wondering… Do real estate agencies forget to remove their listings? Or do they perhaps keep stale listing on purpose in order to get customers through the door? Am I missing something?

Location: Tokyo 23 wards

  1. That’s how their marketing works. They hook you on listings that have been closed sometimes for months. Mostly I found them a waste of time. I used Ken Corporation both for commercial and residential properties and found them to be the best dealing with foreigners. Their listings tend to be on the expensive side though

  2. It’s as reliable as anywhere else. I have been to real estate offices and asked to see an apartment from an ad hanging out their window, only for them to call the owner and be told it is no longer available.

  3. It is possible that you are just looking at a hot property market.
    Or your real estate is not pulling their weight.
    I would look at other sites like athome. If you can only find it on one of them, chances are it is down (or really new).

  4. I used suumo to find an apartment. Then I went to real estate and show them the apartment I found on suummo. Lol
    Sometimes, the apartment is already taken maybe an hour before you made inquiries.

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