how do I find out my shipping address

Where I live there’s about 6 other places with the same address so how would I order something on amazon and how do I find my zipcode

  1. The address I hope you know, since you should have registered at the ward office. It should be printed on your Residence Card and/or Juminhyo.

    You can find the zip code on Google maps. Just click on your house or a neighbouring house/establishment to find out.

    Fill out the address, including zip code, and house name/room number, and the stuff should arrive.

  2. You can find your zip code by googling your address.
    If you have the same address, the last piece of info is your name. If you don’t have a name plate on your house they’ll have trouble.

  3. If the other buildings truly have the same address, the post office distinguishes them by the name plate, or remembering the names after an initial trial and error.

    My neighbor and I have the same address. I have no name plate, but he does, so by default everything without his name comes to me.

    As for your postal code, you find it by looking at Google maps or [searching here](

  4. It should be on your residence card the zip code, block number, building number, house name and number.

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