Is my working visa valid ?

I started working for a company in freelance a few months ago with a working holiday visa, while they were applying for a working visa so I could get a normal contract once I get it.

I got my new resident card 2 weeks ago from the working visa, but when I contacted the HR of my company to sign a new contract as an employee with them, they told me that they actually will end my current freelance contract by the end of september, and that they won't be able to take me as an employee for economic reasons.
Whether this is true or not is not the problem, I'm now wondering if my working visa is valid or not since I don't have a contract "attached" to it. How can it work in that case ? Is my visa revoked ? Or can I wait until the end of my freelance contract to go to the immigration to declare that I just lost my job and still have the 3 months period to find another one ?

I'm asking this here since I live very far from Shinagawa office, and my experiences there as a bad japanese speaker haven't been so great so I kind of feel that they won't be able to understand my questions. If anyone has some informations about this kind of situation, I would be very grateful.

by ghuguain

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