Itinerary check Tsuruga, Utsenomia, Ishikawa, and of course Tokyo

We are planning on traveling to Tsuruga, Fukui in December. We have never been there and while we are visiting a friend was wondering what we might do. Anyone have experience in Tsuruga now that the Shinkansen has been extended?

Tokyo arrival, staying near Shinigawa station, will do the perfunctory Udon, Sushi, and Tempura. Then will take the Shinkansen to Utsinomia and visit Moka and Mashiklo (we love to pick up kitchen pottery there). Mashiko has a pottery class where you make your own pottery, it takes weeks to dry, finish, and kiln so it really isn’t an activity to do once and be done. But, it is a blast. They do have plenty of items for sale if you can't stick around to make your own.

As the family owns a restaurant that is busy during New Years we will leave for Ishikawa. Have found a decent hotel off the main highway that we will probably reuse. Will do a tour of the local sake breweries to see if I can find something that is importable. Yah, navigating import export laws for alcohol is hell…

But with the extension of the Shinkansen to Tsuruga we are wondering if anyone has thoughts on places to visit and experience. We are planning on going to the fish market. I also want to visit the port as there is a route from the Tsuruga port to port of Seattle. We are planning on visiting the Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum to check out its WWII immigration history.

I have visited the Kanazawa castle garden numerous times, so am interested in visiting the Kehi-no-Matsubara garden to see how that compares.

But again, not seeing much in the way of food, or hotels with kitchens, any thoughts?

After Utsenomia, we will Shinkansen back to Tokyo for a couple days, probably in the Tokyo Station area.

by Shot_Ride_1145

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