Online Visa Application Issues

Hi, I am trying to renew my visa online.

I managed to set up the card-reader and JPKI app – but no matter what I do I can’t get the online visa portal to load.


I’m using Chrome and have tried it on both my Windows and Mac computers in Japan using Rakuten as my ISP.

I even tried reaching out to their helpline who assures me it’s working and my configuration must just be wrong?? Maybe I am not using the correct Toshiba laptop from 2004.

Has anyone had any similar experiences and figured out a solution?

  1. 1. define “not loading”

    2. Did you search for other issues here? There have been multiple troubleshooting threads.

  2. Thanks to everyone who replied – I have managed to log-in using information I gleaned from your suggestions and half a dozen other posts. I’ll summarize my fix for anyone else who comes across this post in the future:

    1. Don’t even try to do this on a Mac, it just won’t work.
    2. Buy a cheap IC card reader on []( – anything that says it can read a MyNumber card should work.
    3. Download the JPKI software and Chrome Extension at the bottom of [this page]( (this last one is important).
    4. If you get crazy ??????s (weird characters) during installation or use, download and install [LocaleEmulator]( and then right-click and run each installer in Japanese as Admin.
    5. If the site []( won’t load (as it wouldn’t for me), change your DNS information on your PC. I changed mine to an NTT server ([]( – you can do this in Settings -> Internet adapter -> Properties -> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/iPv4) -> Properties -> Enter a DNS manually.
    6. Make sure your MyNumber card is inserted the right way into the reader (mine needed to be upside down).

    The site should now load and allow you to enter your passcode for your MyNumber card.

    Don’t forget to create a .jp email address if you don’t already have one as many users report not receiving log in information on overseas services such as Gmail.

    Good luck!

  3. I don’t have a solution to offer, but can confirm problems with Japanese apps. I couldn’t get a debit card because the bank’s app rejected my keitai. Likewise couldn’t download the MyNumber portal. In both cases, the error message was that the app is “not available in your country.” Like what?? I’m in Japan, using a Japanese keitai.

    My guess is that the app checks the language of your OS, and if it’s not Japanese, it concludes that you must not be in Japan. I suspect that if I change my OS language setting to Japanese, I might have better luck, but I’m not sure how I would get it back to English

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