Grade yourself as a teacher

How would you grade yourself as a teacher? Give yourself a grade

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  1. If you are an F, you seriously need to reconsider whatever the hell you think you are doing

  2. Google did a study where they tried to correlate interview answers with performance of employees years after they started working. One of the interesting findings was men who rated themselves top tier normally were mediocre down the lines, but woman who rated themselves as top tier were normally correct in their assessment.

    Edit: Just to add, men who slightly under rated themselves performed best for men.

  3. With little to compare myself with, I have to assume I’m average, so C.

  4. I’m a B. I’ve had training, but not too much experience. I am actively bettering myself and studying further. 👍🏻

  5. It feels silly and cliche, but C. I don’t think I can ever be the perfect teacher and have plenty of room to learn and grow with time, but I know I’ve learned a lot and grown a lot and don’t consider myself bottom of the pack these days.

    I’ve done a lot to grow my self esteem so maybe that helps, but it feels like a good place to be. Always aiming to be better as fast as possible, though.

  6. When I did teach in Japan, I think I ended my tenor as just eclipsing into B. I state this because when I worked in Sendai and Hachinohe, I was well liked by the students and people liked my lessons. Parents were very satisfied. But my final place in Morioka I had a lot of students I couldn’t connect with and the lessons were a struggle. This was definitely a C period

  7. C.

    # Adults:

    According to many adult students of mine, **I’m the best they’ve ever had**. Some come to visit me after I’ve moved across the country just to hang out.

    However, **I really only have a CELTA cert which is a basic cert**. I have extremely good rapport which helps, but that’s it.

    Some of the aforementioned students have mentioned that **their previous teachers talk non-stop and explain grammar too much**, so rather than me being good I just think the others suck, probably ranging from F-tier to low D-tier.


    # Children:

    With kids… they generally like me, but I think you’re hard-pressed to make kids dislike you. **I have very little theory about how to teach kids other than games and moving around.** One kid ran to her other teacher with a friend and they both said my class was fun, something they’ve never done before according to the school. That was when the class had 3 kids though, now it has 10 which is out of my comfort zone.


    # Level:

    **I’d say I excel with intermediate and advanced learners.** Not because they’re easier to teach, but because **my CELTA course covered everything but beginner learners.**

    **I’ve read plenty of books about teaching beginners** but it only works with kids puberty-age and up through adulthood. Not with very little kids.

    **The only theory I have for little kids is TPR**, which doesn’t work well in the environments I’ve found myself in (large groups in small classrooms).


    # Overall:

    **I think I’m better than most teachers, but that’s because I think most teachers are garbage.** As far as actually trained, seasoned teachers go? **I’m low-tier**, definitely. I hope to get better though.

    I have theory and 5 years of experience but **I still struggle to adapt to certain situations**, like the aforementioned many kids-small room situation. **I’m also garbage at adapting my style** to whatever ~~bullshit~~ lesson plans the office ~~with no teaching experience~~ has made up.

  8. I’d probably give myself a B due to my lack of experience. Even though my training throughout earning my ESL degree has gone great and I always get compliments from other teachers and staff, I know they’re just comparing me to other entry-level teachers. I need more experience before I can give myself a better grade.

  9. I only teach kids at an eikiwa, and my background is basically an entertainer so in that regard I’m amazing; I can do magic tricks, sound/voice effects, make the kids interested in the lesson and I’m good at controlling the kids so it doesn’t become chaotic.

    I just wish I remembered more of the grammar details, which is why I rated myself a B.

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