Tokyo 20 years ago, taken with a disposable camera in September 2004

Tokyo 20 years ago, taken with a disposable camera in September 2004

by phil_takes_photos

  1. heckkkk when you said 20 years ago, i thought it was in the 90s until I read the end of the sentence💀

  2. Definitely there’s a 90’s feel to the whole thing but in 2004.

    Also no one staring at their phone except for a flip phone in one of the pictures.

  3. This is emotional for me. I don’t think Japan has changed so much, but the people, I imagine what their lives are like and it makes me sad but happy. I wonder if the musicians from the first photo still play music, or if they still talk. Life is beautiful.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I’m surprised I don’t see as many pics of Zojo-ji as some of the other tourist hotspots – it’s so photogenic and iconic.

  5. Awwww, this is when I lived in Japan (I’m an American). A really great time in my life. Oh to be young again, and a Nova teacher lol.

  6. I lived just outside of Fussa, on Yokota AirBase from 1985~1988. My father was in the Army, but was working with Joint Command. I have fond memories as a 7-10 year old. We went on so many excursions and really soaked in the culture. Love seeing photos of Japan..

  7. It’s crazy how it’s been 20 years and I could literally go down to my local train station area and get similar photos, even down to the Kirin Beer makeshift tables (one of our local sports bars has the exact same setup).

    Even the ads – Adobe, Apple – it’s largely the same stuff. Crazy.

  8. Disposable camera and pic of Japan from 20 years ago? Film fans on Instagram would be going nuts.

  9. Crazy how vintage looking photos looked even as far back as 2004. Granted 2004 *is* 20 years ago now, but I always associate vintage looking photos or videos with the 80s or 90s.

  10. Everyone’s talking about “hot men’s box” but no one bats an eye at “ORIENTAL ASSAGE”

  11. 20 years ago, looks like they were already in future. Not 2024 but somewhere in 2030’s. Imagine now. I love Japan and it’s futuristic lifestyle. Thanks for sharing.

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