What would you recommend at the middle top map of okinawa?

I have already planned my 1 days for the middle top of okinawa(list below) but I'm just checking for any recommendation that I should not miss considering this is probably my 1 and only time there.

I will be will be driving around with my parents in their 70s. So not really looking for something that is too physically demanding. Would like some recommendation attractions, resturants/food, nature related places(parks, beach), towns or place to chill. I'm especially interested in things that locals enjoy doing or places they like visiting.

I understand my requirements may be vague but feel free to recommend any interesting places.

Below are some places that I will be going:

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

  • Mount Yae ( looks like a decent hike not sure my parents can take the walk tho. Do you guys have any route to recommend?)
  • Nakijin Castle Ruins
  • Nago Pineapple Park( looks like another theme park, not sure If i want to do this)
  • Kouri island(Doesn't look like there is much here. Taking of taking this out.

Some Resturant I have in mind that I would like trying:

Captain Kangaroo Hamburger

Thank you every one 😀


by voixxi

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