Home Japanese JLPT N5 Quizlet FlashcardsJJapaneseJLPT N5 Quizlet FlashcardsAugust 20, 2022No comments JLPT N5 Quizlet Flashcards Tags:JapaneseLeave a ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
JJapaneseWhat is the purpose of と in と思います (and other verbs)?May 9, 20222 comments I’m still a relatively new learner to Japanese and I’ve started listening to interviews to get a grasp…
JJapaneseJapanese and TocharianJune 17, 2022No comments The attempt to link Japanese and Korean by Alexander Francis-Ratte seems too bold to some linguists, but I…
JJapaneseCan I learn most of Japanese grammar by reading books and talking to people who speaks Japanese?November 15, 20215 comments Do I need to read Japanese grammar books? I never read English grammar and only read English books…