Founder of Nihongo Master here, asking for help to review free hiragana lesson and get some feedback on the tech and what other lessons can we offer for free?

Hi everyone! I’m the founder of Nihongo Master, an online Japanese language learning platform. We’re doing a tech refresh to make sure things work really well for mobile and for web for new lessons we are releasing. We’re also preparing to release a bunch of free Japanese lessons focused on certain topics.

I’m just asking for feedback on our free Hiragana vowels lesson/drills/quiz. If it works well for you, on your device, mobile or desktop. It would really really help us as we keep improving the way we teach Japanese.

You can access the free lesson at [](

If you’re having any issues with the content or drills or quiz, please let me know! We’re trying to really nail this and we’d really appreciate the feedback!

We are preparing to create and release free mini lessons on certain topics that help people. Some ideas are:

* Shopping in Japan
* Ordering food
* Most important Japanese games words
* Riding the train in Japan
* Most important polite social cues (thank you, greetings, levels of politeness, etc)

What are some topics or lessons you’d like to see freely available that would be of interest?

1 comment
  1. 尻取りwould be fun and useful if you’ve got assets laying around to repurpose.

    EDIT: The furigana over 日本語 is incorrect (at least on mobile) and reads 日as ほ and 本 as ん. This is after clicking begin your free lesson and moving to the next page.

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