Buying air conditioners Tokyo

I have to buy 4 air conditioners for an apartment. I tried a number of stores in Shibuya (Bic Camera, Yamada Denki etc) and the store workers would run away when I tried asking any question. My jp language ability is low at best.

Does Reddit have any suggestions on stores that speak English? Or brands that are somewhat easier to understand?

Any tips or advice would be amazing. I’ve no idea about what bells and whistles are important vs marketing nonsense.

  1. Do you have any English-speaking Japanese friends or coworkers who could go with you to help with communication?

  2. i have bought many ac in japan and not problem at all.. Be sure that you can can up or down 0.5 degree, cheast one only can 1 degree…

    usually question is house or apartment? , what floor? , is there balcony ? do you want a cover for the outside part? etc

  3. I bought 2 air conditioners at Bic camera when I moved to Japan. Remember to ask to make the membership cards, with the points of buying 4 air conditioners, you can buy lots of other small electronics. I recommend you asking if there is any English speaking staff, that’s what helped me. If the store don’t have anyone, keep moving and try another one.

    It is difficult, but possible (Specially in Tokyo)! Best of luck for you!
    One more thing, I do not recommend buying from online stores like Amazon, because the installation has to be explained in Japanese, so if you can find someone that speaks English, you can explain where the air conditioners are going to be installed and there is a lower chance of mistake or additional charges.

    I feel your pain, good luck!

  4. I bought 2 about 3 weeks ago when I moved into my first apartment in Japan (I do speak so-so Japanese so it helped). Ask for “Tanto” meaning “bundle discount”. I bought mine at yodobashi in yokohama

  5. Try another store. My husband has gone to Yodobashi several times to buy appliances/electronics with no issues, and he speaks no Japanese. One time he found someone with some English, another time they did everything through google translate!

  6. Bought three daikin at Bic camera. Not only are they IMHO the best since they specialize in air conditioning, but you can also find English manuals online for slightly different models, but using basically the same air conditioning buttons, since they sell abroad.

    I’m assuming you’re buying them for your own place, so if I were you, I would buy high quality air conditioners. The top of the line Daikin are also self cleaning, which is very nice. Make sure to get ones with enough power for whatever size rooms you are cooling.

    I got 2×6 mat size for two bedrooms, and a much larger one for the LDK.

    Since I was buying three, I was able to negotiate the price down. They were going to give me more discount if I bought a fourth one, but I decided not to. This is in addition to still getting the points on the point card

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