Yunyu Kakunin-sho application


Last night I submitted my Yunyu Kakunin-sho application to the email and I havn’t gotten any confirmation that they received it.

Just to calm my nerves can someone let me know if I did everything correct. I submitted a pdf of the filled out Yunyu Kakunin-sho Forms 12 & 13. A pdf of my prescription for two of the three bottles im bringing and then pictures of the third bottle with the prescription printed on it. Then I also had a picture of my flight itinerary.

I leave in two weeks so hopefully I will have enough time.

update: I just got the approval

  1. Hi, I think you should be okay. I filled mine like a week before departure (my doctor helped me filled the form).

    Then I received an email from them 2 days before my departure. This was back in end of March 2022, I am not sure about their workload now.

    But looking back, had I not tell the immigration inspection officer that I brought prescribed medicines + yunyu kakunin-sho certificate, I doubt they would check anyway (I literally could just walk away). But all I brought was just 6 months worth of my prescribed meds (that fit in my suitcase) so YMMV.

    Cheers and all the best for your flight preparation.

  2. Send them an email AFTER A FEW DAYS. They will answer but remember you are not the only person who submits these forms, so don’t expect the one person who processes these FORMS to jump to attention and answer your form above everyone else, overnight. They are overwhelmed and it may take a couple of days.

  3. Can we apply two months before? I wanna get mine done soon but I’m not sure what to do.

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