[translated] Mini Stop apologizes for sign, “we do not sell cigarettes to foreigners”

[translated] Mini Stop apologizes for sign, “we do not sell cigarettes to foreigners”

by elhombreleon

  1. Translation by DeepL:

    Ministop announced on April 20 that one of its stores had an inappropriate sign for foreign customers and apologized. According to the company, the sign read, “Cigarettes cannot be sold to foreigners from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.” due to an incident of cigarette theft by a foreigner. In response to an interview, the company explained that a blanket refusal to sell cigarettes to foreigners is problematic from a human rights perspective.

    The store had already removed the sign after it was discovered in response to an inquiry from a customer. The company is not sure if they actually refused to sell the product or not.

    Ministop commented, “We sincerely apologize to the customers and other parties involved who were offended. The company said that it will thoroughly educate its franchisees and employees regarding human rights.

  2. If the theft had been done by a Japanese looking person, the store would have definitely called them Korean. Japanese people don’t do crimes, that’s incongruous.

  3. Interesting, their response to someone stealing them is not to sell them 🤔 Unless they got them from behind the counter and placed them on the worktop, then the person picked them up and ran off.

  4. Uh huh…because people, especially foreigners only steal between the hours of 10PM and 7AM.

    Like a very specific werewolf.

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