[Weekend meme] Nihongo wa chotto chigau

[Weekend meme] Nihongo wa chotto chigau

by Fafner_88

  1. From my experience, I’d say for other languages, just put the duolingo app, then people think they’re fluent when they can say “the moose is wearing a scarf” or whatever random ass sentences duo teaches them.

  2. Genki is meant to be a classroom textbook like one would use in the first picture, but then again other language books might not be as entertaining with the weird stories about Mary and Takeshi’s dates gone wrong.

  3. Tbf, I don’t have any where to go for Japanese classes other than Italki. Even the JLPT test is offered in one place once a year. When your resources are exceptionally minimal, you feel like rat finding scraps that fell from the garbage.

    If your learning English, its more like you are being bombarded with it at all times and you finally give in to the deluge of resources, content, and schools. Not only that but you are going to be completely surrounded by a ton of others doing the same.

    The largest congregation of Japanese learners is some hole in the wall place on reddit lol. Joking of course, this sub has some really nice people. ;P

  4. it’s really a blessing that there are so many tools for japanese. is that because a lot of the learners are nerdy weeb software developers? probably. but i’m one of them so i can’t complain

  5. Honestly for every language I know immersion has been so much more useful than anything I’ve picked up in a classroom. Structured lessons are good, don’t get me wrong, but at some point you need to actually *use* a language.

    And that doesn’t even have to mean actual conversations. Nothing will teach you quite like being surrounded by a language full time, but a big part of the reason I’m still conversational in German is I picked up books in German – as opposed to French, which I had just as many lessons in but never bothered to use beyond those, so now I can kinda sorta ask for directions and that’s it.

  6. There isn’t even a single Japanese class anywhere near me, let alone a Japanese speaker lol. I’m serious. My town is 99% white, I’ve known one black person in my entire life in real life from where I live and zero Asian people. Dunno where you expect me to do a Japanese course bruv. I’m not gonna move to a city just to do a course and potentially meet one Japanese person xddd

    I’ve talked to Japanese people online and I hate online calls. I love talking in person but fuck it. It is what it is.

  7. Is this why when people regularly ask, “how do I get better at speaking and listening?” and my answer is always, “if you want to speak the language, find someone to *speak* the language with”? I took Spanish and some German before self studying Japanese. Everyone is overconcerned about sounding stupid. We **all** sound stupid at first, you’ll only get better powering through that. Also, you don’t always have to talk to native speakers. A lot of learners out there and if you can have a conversation with them even simple ones, that is still helping. If you get something wrong that way and a native speaker lets you know, you can still learn the right way from them, nothing is uncorrectable.

  8. All I’ll say is that as a person currently in language school in japan, all my classmates are freaked out by how many kanji I can read. I keep telling them all I did was use Wanikani via Anki for a year and a half, but none of them have used it so far.

  9. I got N1 in 2011 in college — the first year they launched the exam IIRC from the old JLPT format. Back then I was still torrenting anime and there was no Reddit to learn about things like Anki or Wanikani lol.

    When I did a lot of my hardcore studying around 2008-2010, I sat around Japanese IRC and Japanese yahoo chat — which was a big thing back then — talking to natives.

    Ended up moving to Japan to work in video games in 2012, became fully fluent in Japanese, married a Japanese person… Japanese people always asked me how I learned Japanese and the only answer I give them is “anime”.

  10. Warning, I’m a rambler

    The first one (classroom study + interpersonal immersion) “failed me” (I’m convinced I’m just bad at languages, and became even harder now due to TBIs where struggle very bad in subjects I was excellent at like Mathematics)

    “4 years” (4 courses) of Spanish with hispanic BFF; “6 years” (sunday school, not in-depth) of Hebrew; Half my family is Russian and even spent a month in Russia.

    I have peaked at MAYBE being a fraction of A1 level, but not A1 yet (lowest [european] language level) in each of these, to include Japanese since 100+ days of english subbed anime watched.

    I’m going all out on learning Japanese as if I can succeed here in language I’m most interested it, I can succeed in languages of more value / benefit / desire to learn. Technically the “meme” bottom is the same as the top but without social existence. Combining the totality of the picture, I believe in myself to surpass/reach N3 and/or B2 level. (sub-N5 currently)

    Anki is radically better than my original plan to use normal flashcards. I use japanese podcasts, subless (or japanese subbed) japanese anime, japanese dubbed foreign anime (cocomelon, spongebob, Ben 10, Teen Titans, et cetera), japanese manga, learning books (currently page 88 of a book made for business people in Japan in year 2000), japanese news articles, japanese settings on devices, japanese set on video games, Duolingo, some other apps, et cetera


  11. I like using Tae Kim’s WAY more than Genki personally. It makes more sense since it doesn’t look at Japanese grammar from an English perspective.

  12. Basically the first image is me learning Chinese, while the second is learning Japanese.

    I just find way more stuff in Japanese, meanwhile in Chinese I just had my textbook and my courses.

  13. We all started learning Japanese like every other language but it doesn’t work‼️😄

    Missing Cure Dolly and Dogen on the graphic.

  14. Japanese, Chinese are different beasts compared to other languages though so kind of understandable why we would need a lot more tools and resources 😂

  15. I have to learn french for school and that shit is 10 times more boring than learning Japanese even though it’s easier..

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