Looking for ADHD doctor in Kyoto

Hello, I have ADHD and I want to find a doctor in Kyoto to help me get a refill on my medication. I have been diagnosed, have a letter saying I have ADHD from my psychiatrist, and my Contra prescription bottle & label along with the permission to bring it to Japan. Before coming here, my doctor in the USA kindly prescribed me Contra after I told him that adderal is illegal in Japan. I currently live in central Kyoto and will be living here without returning to the USA for at least a couple of years. Can anyone recommend a doctor in Kyoto City or even Osaka?

by cloudpanda711

  1. Whatever you do, DON’T go to Sugawara clinic. You have to wait at least an hour until you can go to the doctor’s office, only to have a brief chat about how the meds are working and sent out to pay for the appointment. You just take the meds, get the prescription, rinse and repeat. Want to ask for additional help, like welfare benefits? He will snap at you and end the conversation right there. I was dumb enough to stay with him for a few years, don’t make the same mistake I did.
    As for where to start? Language is a major factor. I speak Japanese fluently so it wasn’t something I had to consider, but how’s your proficiency?

  2. Are you just looking for a doctor that will be able to write a prescription? Do you speak Japanese or you’re looking for an English speaking doctor?

    I live in Tottori and getting an English speaking psychiatrist was not a problem, it was to be able to find one that has a license to prescribe stimulants and also a pharmacy that can dispense them.

    I’ll ask my Osaka friend if they restarted going and if they have a recs.

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