Tatami got wet, I put salt on to soak up spill, now that spot is never dry, Help Please!

Two tatami mats got wet from urine. I briefly googled that salt can soak up the spill. I put a large amount of salt on the two spills, and the salt did get wet, so I thought it was working. Even after that, the spots were not dry, so we took the mats out and put them on the balcony to dry out. They seem to dry out, but after a few hours when we put them back in, those two spots are wet again. Repeat: balcony, dry, put back in, wet again, balcony, dry, put back in, wet again. I’m wondering if maybe some salt got rubbed into the cracks in the tatami texture, and if the salt is absorbing humidity and moisture from the air, and making those two spots wet eternally. What can I do???

  1. > What can I do???

    In the future, keep the water sports out of the tatami room. 😉

    I doubt it’s reabsorbing water from the air. I think it’s that only the surface is drying when it’s outside. How long have you left it outside and does it get direct sun? Also, how long has this been?

    Personally, I’d be less worried about the wet spot and more worried about the eventual smell if all you did was add salt to urine. I think it needs more thorough cleaning.

  2. Aim a fan at the spot and leave it for a few days. Run a dehumidifer in the room if you have one.

    If tatami gets soaked deep, it will take forever to actually dry it out. The surface dries but gets wet again from the moisture inside moving to the now-dry surface. That shit is like Koyadofu; and impossible-to-believe amount of water is in there.

    Or pee. In your case, it’s pee. In the long run, you should just buy two new mats.

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