Chrome JP keyboard wont work.

I’m taking a Japanese 2 class on my chromebook, but I can’t seem to get my japanese keybkard to work. It worked last year when I was in Japanese 1. It’s not even typing english letters whn I select it. I’ve tried restarting with no luck. I’ve also removed the keyboard and added it back. Anyone knke what’s happening?

1 comment
  1. What is the brand and model of the chromebook? This can be found on the bottom side on a sticker. If I know the model I can get a better understanding of what you mean by “removed the keyboard and added it back” – Is this a Surface Pro, or a 500e, if you remove the keyboard there’s a big difference.

    You tried restarting it, so shutting it down and turning it back on? If so, you can try these more effective methods:

    Reset – Press refresh+power at the same time

    Powerwash – Press alt+cntrl+shift+r all at the same time. This erases all information and files on the device, it will not effect you Drive files.

    You can recovery the device but this is a bit of a process. You will need a USB and another chromebook or laptop to download a recovery to the USB, you then set the chromebook into recovery mode and insert the USB. This will reinstall Chrome OS. This is the most intense but most ensure way to determine if this is now a hardware issue.

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