As the value of yen is plunging, does any of you start to think of living in other nations?

Still it’s very modest inflation in Japan but Boj is expecting cost push inflation to continue.

  1. I have been traveling through 3 SEA countries this month.

    What I can tell from my own limited observations is that it looks like countries which have natural gas or petroleum fields are basically less prone to Inflation.
    Malaysia has still attractive prices and besides the fact the JPY has lowered I could not find much abnormal differences in the prices compared to 3 years back.

    Singapore inflation is terrible. Everything has gotten really expensive.

    Philippines: my goodness. Prices gone crazy. Some items are more expensive than Japan (from what I have seen: gasoline, shampoo, milk, restaurants (even local fast food like Jollybee, any imported food…).

    Seems to me that Japan remains a very stable country price wise, comparatively speaking.

  2. And go where?

    Anywhere with a cheap cost of living has shit wages, and anywhere with decent wages has a stupidly high cost of living.

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