For you people who use protein powders, how are you dealing with the price hikes?

I used to purchase from iherb, then around the pandemic the prices there soared and I started using Japanese proteins (purchased through Amazon). They’re okay, but the drop was from 30g of protein per serving to 20g.

I just made my first purchase since the exchange rate went bonkers and the cheapest price per kilo is 3000 yen. I’m really shocked, but I guess this is the new normal with prices only likely to rise.

What are you doing for your supplement needs? I ended buying 6 kilos Winzone (through Amazon) and I’ll be increasing chicken, (canned) tuna and soy proteins (from the store).

  1. Based on how often this comes up I have to image a JLife meetup would look like a body building competition.

    We should just add a weekly protein powder thread at this point.

  2. It sucks – my go-to 2.5 kg pack of Myprotein (Cookies and Cream) has gone from 6,000 yen to 9,000 yen since the JPY went to shit. Nothing I can really do other than suck it up and pay, because Gainz > Money.

  3. I switched from whey to soy proteins.

    There is nothing under 3000 yens/kg for Whey. That’s the new price.

    Soy proteins are still at 2000yens/kg and they’re not too bad (I bought 5kgs of the SAVE brand on Amazon). I’ve been using it for a week now and got used to the taste.

    Chicken breasts are still very affordable, non-oil tuna cans have seen their price decreased.

    Also the price of oatmeal is back to normal (back to pre-war prices), so not all is bad.

  4. Shop on iherb or amazon or donki.
    But protien in Japan is expensive generally.
    Even in Canada.
    Especially for good quality protien with an actual good flavour.

  5. In sunny supermarket, they sell Whey/Soy Protein around 1,600 without tax but I can’t remember the grams maybe around 400-600 grams. It’s their own brand though.

  6. Yeeeah I just caved in to the overpriced ON on iHerb the last couple of months. I just can’t do cheap protein powder any more it tastes like ass (those I’ve tried anyway, basically anything on Amazon or myprotein). Not that it’s a good brand or better cause it’s not cheap, but it’s just the one I don’t get tires of with a standard taste.

    But yeah I try to only buy when they have a 20% or more sale. Still about 8k for a 2kg tub though, a bit rough.

  7. Switched to a mix of non-whey options which are quite affordable. There’s Caesin, Soy, Pea and Brown rice all of which have enough EAA to make absorption as good as Whey

  8. Not much I can do. Japanese protein generally doesn’t have the same macros as iHerb. I just shop a little more carefully and buy whatever is cheapest in bulk.

  9. I have some stuck in customs right now because I ordered too much while it was on sale. I’m supposed to send them the invoices and explain why it came in two shipments. (It was on sale so I ordered more, OBVIOUSLY.)

    If anyone knows how to express “do you even lift bro?” in son-keigo I’ll be forever grateful.

  10. I just drink more milk now. It’s cheaper. But come winter I’ll probably have to buy protien to reduce the amount of my fluid intake.

  11. Just drop two raw egg whites into the protein mix. Cheap, and you can’t even taste it or notice the texture. Japanese eat raw eggs all the time. Start with one if you’re squemish

  12. I usually buy from MyProtein only when they have sales, which I know from their LINE account. However I have still to buy since the price hike, so I am not entirely aware of how the prices have changed.

  13. myprotein has frequent sales. Just last week I got a ping for 60% off.if you follow them on LINE you’ll get notifications and coupons

  14. > For you people who use protein powders, how are you dealing with the price hikes?

    By paying more money and telling my boss that I’m going to need a lot more than last year’s 3% COL raise.

  15. Surprised I haven’t seen this yet, but 2.7kg bags of combat protein go for 7000 yen at Costco, cheaper if you find it on sale. Best protein in the business.

  16. I bite the bullet and buy in person at Costco generally. I’d prefer the good shit off iHerb but I just can’t bring myself to pay double what I was six months ago.

  17. I switched to a cheaper brand. Asahi Slim Up, 1400 online in some places. 2200 in the store. The chocolate one is totally passable, not sure about the other flavors

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