So, my partner and I were going to the Pokemon Center in Tokyo Bay today, and we were taking the Chiba Line at Akihabara station to get there. After taking the escalator up to the first area, there were a ton of Gachapon, along with a few employees stocking and walking around. I got very excited because I saw a Premium Gachapon I had been looking everywhere for, but is sold out everywhere I've found it. (It's a Pokemon Premium Miraidon and Koraidon for 800 yen). I was excited beyond belief and bought two of them, and decided to come back later to see if I could get another two for a friend back in the states.
Cut to 4 hours later, were back at Akihabara station, and we go back to the floor where all the Gachapon are – and it's empty. And I don't mean the machines are empty, the entire display of gachapon machines were just GONE. This was around 9:00 PM.
My question is, does Akihabara Station just move their Gachapon Machines every night? Or was this some sort of rare traveling pop-up Gachapon thing.
Does anyone have any idea? Id think it was a fever dream if I hadn't had bought two of them. I am 100% positive we went to the exact same place we were in before.
by KawaiiQuilava89