Fellow WHV Oakhouse Residence of Osaka. Do you have recommendations for me where to stay?


a few months ago I made another post asking where to stay in Osaka. Time's flown by and I am now actively looking and keeping my eyes out for a social residence to stay for my WHV. I'll be arriving in late january and probably reach osaka at the start of february. My wish is to stay in an Oakhouse residence since I heard you can switch houses if desired for a small fee (which comes in handy in case I want to switch to Tokyo for the second half of my journey).

For now I found 2 residences that look pretty promising -> Gran Takarazuka and Social Residence Academia Amagasaki, both which currently have open spots available. I don't know how much these fluctuate since its 4 Months till I arrive, but I want to check if there is any hidden gem or residence currently unavailable that I should keep an eye on.

For myself, I'm from germany, I'm a fellow hobby chef, like music and karaoke and I really want to learn japanese and speak with japanese people, hopefully making connections! So if you have tips or places to keep a watch on, please let me know! 🙂

by Marukio

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