[Iwao Hakamata]’s the world’s longest-serving death row inmate. A court just declared him innocent

[Iwao Hakamata]’s the world’s longest-serving death row inmate. A court just declared him innocent

by gkanai

  1. It only took 58 years and the prosecution still has the right to appeal that decision. The Japanese “justice” system offers no justice for anyone.

  2. Nobody will be held accountable, no heads will roll, the system will not change. And peoples lives will continue to be destroyed by incompetent police and corrupt prosecutors.

  3. That’s for all of those who said “why should I care about the conditions death row inmates live in” 3 days ago…

  4. This is quite insane. Imprisoned 60 years for a crime he didn’t commit. If this happens in a 21st century western country, the victim will win lawsuit in the court, have millions dollar as compensation and an award-winning movie about the story. But no. This poor man will be forgotten by the society in a month like he never exists. Now this is the sad part of this story. On the contrary, a wealthy Japanese cannibal who ate a young woman in France has been walking free on the streets of Japan for the last 30 years….

  5. And this is why death penalty needs to be abolished. Only way to be sure that innocent people are not executed is to not execute anyone.

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