How much does someone who owns a house(osaka) need to retire in Japan?

-Non smoker

-drinking every now and then

-Eating western food every now and then

-No kids

-I’m covered on the visa front.

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Osaka.

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  2. The house is paid for?

    Do you have car payements and shaken?

    How much you need really depends but I’d say shoot for at least 250,000 jpy per month. With no rent/mortgage payments, that’ll be a nice amount monthly for most people. Keep in mind that you’ll still owe pension (if you’re retiring early) and healthcare payments. You might also want to consider supplementary insurance.

  3. 250,000 yen per month would get you a comfortable lifestyle, you would be able to indulge a few little luxuries assuming you’re not saving any of that amount AND you own a house here.

    If you plan to rent I would say plus 70-100 thousand extra for rent depending upon your desire for location/size of apartment.

    You may wish to also think about medical insurance as well for your old age

  4. If you are living off savings health insurance will be dirt cheap. That plus 16,000ish for pension. That plus your property tax will be your obligation to the government.

    Then it is just question of how much do you want to spend each month? And don’t forget a rainy day fund because stuff in your house will break.

  5. The answer to your question really depends on the sort of life you want to live. You could *survive* on 100,000/month but it won’t be a lot of fun.

    200,000yen a month you could live a lot more comfortably while putting some money aside for emergencies. Eventually your house will need a new roof, that sort of thing.

    If you want to travel and enjoy your golden years then *more* will make things better. How much more? Depends on what you want to do and how often you want to do it.

    You also might want to ask in /r/JapanFinance and you should probably join the forums over at

  6. Interesting question since I (my wife and I) am/are effectively doing this now. The answer is 250000 yen per month assuming no major expenditure.

    House purchased end of May and regular expenditure separated from capital expenditure. Gas and electric bills received today, by way of example only, for 1 month to today, gas 1,931 and electricity 6,982 yen. (Summer month of course).

  7. At least 5000万、3% dividend earns you 150万 yearly, 12.5万 monthly. With nenkin, you’ll live pretty comfortably.

  8. My house in Osaka will be paid off by the time I am 65, and (hopefully) my kids should be independent and living separately by then unless they turn out to be hikikomori types.

    My current expenses are around 400,000 yen per month, but the actual number is around 220,000 yen after subtracting childcare, other child-related stuff and the mortgage. So my estimated expenditure during retirement is 4.6 million yen per year (made up of 300,000 yen of general expenses per month + 1 million yen for travel each year).

    Assuming my investments (stocks + rental property which I plan to purchase) can achieve a very conservative return of 3% p.a., and accounting for my measly pension of around 400,000 yen per year (kokumin nenkin), I think I would be pretty comfortable retiring with 100 million yen. Even 85 million should keep us going until around age 95.

    The above figures do not account for any future inheritance we receive from my parents or my wife’s parents.

  9. what kind of retirement do you want to live?

    how much would that cost per month?

    now multiply that by 12

    and then by 25


    and now you have your retirement money goal

  10. To survive 50k

    To get by 100k

    For a comfortable lifestyle 150k

    For an active and comfortable lifestyle 200k

    For a very active lifestyle with a lot of comfort 250k

    For a luxury lifestyle 300k+

    I earn 240k after taxes (Inc 20k train allowance). I split rent with my gf for 50k. Leaves me with 190k. 80k split as 20k a week budget. 20k a week, 5k for worth train, 5k for work food, 5k for shopping, 5k for fun. Leaves me 110k. 10k for phone and extra junk. I save upto 100k a month.

  11. Its REALLY simple to ballpark this foryouself.

    What do you spend a year? Multiply that by how many years you plan live after you retire. That’s your number. You fine tune from there.

    Add things like inflation, interest rates. What can you cut from your spending. Will you need to buy a car? Nursing care already paid for at a nice home?

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