weekend reunion with host family

I just moved to Tokyo as a college student and was finally able to get back in contact with my host family from three years ago (I stayed with them for a weekend on a high school summer program)! I didn’t know I’d be able to reunite with them until a week after I got here so I feel bad not having brought any special souvenirs with me from the US but I wanted to get them some nice things because they offered to take me on a weekend trip to Nagano 🙂 went to Shibuya Mark City this week and got them two different kinds of nice sweets so would adding a bottle of wine be overboard? they’re about 1.5 hours outside of Tokyo and I’m familiar with cultural norms surrounding gifts but I wanted to make sure everyone was happy bc theyre a family of four and two of them are young kids! plus I’m heading over there tomorrow night

  1. It’s hard to answer definitively with the info you provided, especially not knowing the details of the candy you already got, for example, and whether the host parents are into wine.

    Since you say you’re familiar with gift giving, I’m sure you picked appropriately so I think youre set! Enjoy!!


    On the off chance that you want some foreign-y sweets, you could also check out the Plaza store. There’s one in 109 apparently.

  2. i’d skip the wine, unless you know they drink that for sure

    you’ll know if you made a mistake when they’ll open it right away, place it directly in front of you, and hope you drink as much of it as possible

    very nice wrapping, snacks, it’s enough. anything above puts stress on them to gift you something back or make you eat/drink your own present

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