Nagano City and Prefecture, Jan/Feb 2023

Nagano City and Prefecture, Jan/Feb 2023

by Stuch_Watches

  1. 1. Zenkōji Temple
    2. Togakushi Shrine
    3. Zenkōji Nakamise Street
    4. Snow Monkey Park, Yudanaka
    5. Togakushi Shrine (again, with people for scale)
    6. Amagawa Shrine, Yudanaka

  2. I lived in Nagano for 5 years and seeing these familiar places captured so beautifully brought a big smile to my face. Great pics! 💖

  3. These are gorgeous, and now I very much want my next trip to Japan to be in the winter. Might be worth hauling around a puffy coat for atmosphere like this!!

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