Need help I’m really confuse

Today, my bank account was unexpectedly frozen. When I contacted the bank, they provided me with the phone number of a law firm that had requested the freeze. Upon reaching out to the firm, I was informed that someone in July had deposited money into my account and was allegedly involved in money laundering. After reviewing my records, I realized it was related to a completed USDT trade I conducted on Bybit with a buyer, which had successfully concluded.

I tried to explain to the law firm that I was simply trading my USDT, but the lawyer insisted that I should have used better judgment and recognized the money laundering activity—something I had no knowledge of.

The lawyer then presented me with an option: forfeit the funds in my bank account, approximately 1,000,000 yen, to settle the case. I’m completely overwhelmed by this situation. Has anyone experienced something similar or can offer advice?

by Maleficent-Jelly-126

  1. Get your own lawyer to sue the bank or at least tell the bank that’s what you’re doing.

    They shouldn’t be freezing your bank account at the request of someone who is not some form of official or a court, even if they are a lawyer.

    Unless you have misunderstood what they said somehow and the lawyer is somehow government related. Although I doubt they would be saying just give us all your money if that were the case.

  2. Lawyer up. Reddit isn’t the place to take this. If you indeed had been involved in money laundering I’m sure the police would have confronted you about this.

  3. Unless there is a court order the bank should not have frozen your account. Additionally money laundering is a criminal charge not a civil one, a law firm would not be handling this the government would be handling it.

    1. Stop talking with the lawyers – get yourself a lawyer right now

    2. Talk directly to the bank – you want to see the court order to freeze your account if they do not have it you want to withdraw your funds immediately

    3. Contact the police about this also immediately

  4. > *When I contacted the bank, they provided me with the phone number of a law firm that had requested the freeze.*

    This should be your first red flag. Its like getting into a fender bender and the person says “Go to this place! They’ll give you a great price if you mention my name and tell them I sent you!” Just tell them you want to get the police involved!

  5. This smells really fishy. Don’t trust some random law firm. You city office might offer free consultation for these kinds of issues. When you see the cost of a lawyer, you might be inclined to go this route.

    Edit: What is the name or the number of the law firm they told you to contact?

  6. Wayyyyy above reddits pay grade. Don’t do anything don’t agree to anything just hire a lawyer.

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