Ex-defense chief Ishiba elected Japan ruling party leader

Ex-defense chief Ishiba elected Japan ruling party leader

by Mametaro

  1. Looks like just the kind of dynamic go-getter we need to invigorate the country in these trying times.

  2. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – BBC Online (A-): [Japan’s splintered ruling party to elect new leader](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy89ez894rko)
    – CNN.com (C+): [Japan’s next prime minister could be its first woman leader](https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/26/asia/japan-ruling-party-election-intl-hnk/)
    – Al Jazeera (C+): [Who’s in the running to be Japan’s next prime minister?](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/9/26/whos-in-the-running-to-be-japans-next-prime-minister)
    – NHK NEWS WEB (B): [Ishiba Shigeru elected LDP leader](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20240927_520/)

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  3. Kono, apparently the favorite of the redditors here, was at the 8th place among the 9 candidates.

  4. Judging from Twitter, he doesn’t seems to be popular considering tags like 日本終了 is trending

    Anyone who follows Japanese politics can confirm?

  5. Ishiba is only 67 – good to see some younger talent being elected to lead the nation!!

    I am sure he will bring fresh, innovative ideas with him. [/s]

  6. Honestly not the worst choice. He’s not a fascist, supports stronger defense coordination between USA, SK and Taiwan, and is in favor of rising rates in favor of a stronger yen.

  7. The best choice at the moment.

    Koizumi is the one for the future. But much like Abe in his younger days, Koizumi is too young and inexperienced at the moment. He needs to gain a strong foothold within the LDP first.

  8. Once I knew about the hubub with Takaichi and Koizumi. I knew Ishiba would be the one chosen. The bigwigs in the LDP ar least for the last few years seem to prefer “the experienced type who doesn’t rock the boat and Ishiba was that guy this time around.

  9. Congrats Ishiba on his 5th attempt to become LDP chief and thus PM (a formality in the next few days).

    Now he has to hope he’ll last at least as long as Kishida (who is actually the 13th longest serving PM, and 8th longest since WWII) instead of going back to the revolving doors of 1 PM per year.

  10. Non-Japanese here, how will this guy handle relations with china,SK and Taiwan. And why is he replacing Kishida is he retiring?

  11. Given the times we’re in, when Rogue-States are threatening global security….

    Electing an Ex-Defense Chief is a wise consideration.

  12. The old guard usually pushes through the most conservative choice but the LDP’s approval rating is so low right now that they’re hoping that a moderate like Ishiba will bring their approval rating up before the next national elections.

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