When would you ever refer to a friend by their full name?

I know close friends are first name basis and regular friends last but if you referred to a friend by their full name, what does it mean?

  1. 1. Lots of people have same names, so we do say full names to be specific.

    Happened between my son and his best friend last night. My son had been telling a story about a shared acquaintance (a boy from school) and 30 minutes into the conversation his friend goes “which so-and-so” and my son says the full name to which his best friend replied “oooh, I thought you were talking about that so-and-so”

    2. Some people say it in like a cute-say way. Or to get someone’s attention urgently.

  2. i mean, how often do you say people’s full names in English? not very often really (except weirdly in my small town there were just some people that were always talked about in firstname lastname. directly addressing them was still first name but when talking about them it was always the full name)

    i would say that in a joking, ふざけてる way you could use their full name but being 100% serious would sound off-putting i could imagine

  3. You probably should clarify whether you mean referring to someone who isn’t there or addressing someone directly.

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