Advice for large number/date recognition in speech?

Hi all,

I really struggle to process large numbers (from 万 up) in speech at a natural speed. I have a similar problem with full length dates. I know all the words, how large numbers compound, and how dates are spoken. If the date or number was written on a piece of paper in front of me, I would have no problem. I have an auditory processing disorder, so the issue for me is specifically processing it at conversational speed.
Either I focus on it, and potentially miss the next thing the speaker says, or I just have to accept that I've only got a vague idea (i.e., 'a number in the 20,000s' or 'a day in August, 1920-something'), move on with whatever I picked up, and pray the specifics don't become important later.

I know this is probably more of a learning disability problem than a language learning one, but i thought I'd just check in to see if anyone has found any resources that really helped them get faster at processing dates or large numbers in Japanese? Thanks for any advice 🙂

by gaveupandmadeaccount

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