Kyoto temple suffering from littering tourists claiming not to understand Japanese verbal warning

Kyoto temple suffering from littering tourists claiming not to understand Japanese verbal warning

by kenmlin

  1. You need to understand Japanese to know that littering is shitty?!? That the lowest effort excuse I’ve seen for a while.

  2. Could just cane them like Singapore. You’ll only need to cane a few and the rest will stop littering. Put it on NHK lmao.

  3. One huge problem is no public garbage cans. It’s just not reasonable to expect tourists to carry garbage around with them all day. And in the off chance you come across a place to throw out your garbage, it’s overflowing. Yes, it’s a tourist problem, but it’s more a Japan problem.

  4. How hard is it to understand that you shouldn’t throw garbage on the ground at a temple (or anywhere else, ideally)?

  5. Stop complaining and do something. People who willingly litters in a temple don’t care of warnings on piece of papers, they think they are above it.

    Put literally 1 police guard there. Littering = fine. You’ll see how littering will stop. Money can go towards preservation of the temple.

  6. This is on them , i was like 6 when jackass cameout , didnt see much response on them when those idjiots did littlento nothing to them.

  7. Crazy how people in this thread are defending people. Just don’t throw your trash on the ground it’s not that hard. Bought food from a street vendor? Eat nearby and give them the trash, the will take it.

  8. Temples need trash cans and signs written in other languages that aren’t just in English. Temples and shrines are bringing in loads of cash, can’t some of it go towards tourism management? Pay some foreign students to work at these place and bitch out other in their native language.

  9. I moved to Japan in 2009. Asakusa was pristine . Went back again in 2024. Starbucks cups all over the temple. The Japanese staff seems to have given up. I will not go back again until tourists learn some manners. For the first time in 15 years I’m embarrassed to be a foreigner in Japan. How hard is it to be respectful in someone else’s country? Really.

  10. Everywhere I went in Japan, tourists with cameras were a huge problem. Women dressed as geisha with boyfriends taking their pictures all over Kyoto. Parents blocking transit to take pictures of their kids anytime, anywhere. Large tour or family groups tended to be the worst. Anywhere that has more tourists than locals, the tourist behavior will take over. When you go from 25% tourists to 50% tourists, their behavior doesn’t get 2x worse, it gets 10x worse.

  11. Littering is of course rude but one must remember 90% of public trash cans disappeared after the Aum thing and never came back.

  12. Tourists must take their garbage home with them. Don’t thrown away anywhere in public. Don’t dirty Japan.

    To be clean is to purify the place, and this idea comes from Shintoism which is a part of Japanese culture.

    You have to understand it when you visit Japan.

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