Pitch Accent of キレできて?

What is the pitch accent of キレできて? The original phrase comes from the first episode of Death Note:

> それであたし何もしてないのに、急に**キレできてよ**

[OJAD](https://www.gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ojad/phrasing/index) thinks the pitch of this phrase is KIredekite (atamadaka). But it seems to me this is wrong. My argument:

I’m assuming this is the compound form of キレ+出来る, where 出来る is in its て-form (出来て). If that’s the case, then

1. キレ is the masu stem of キレる (with pitch deKIru). So I’m assuming the pitch of キレ is kiRE?
2. The pitch of 出来て is DEkite, since 出来る is an accented verb.

**Putting this all together, isn’t the pitch of the combined phrase then kiREDEkite?**

  1. i dont know anything about pitch accent but i believe it is not 出来る but maybe kire(angry) + de(particle) + kite(kuru) and probably means “(they) suddenly got angry at me”

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