Tired of crowds of people getting in your shots?

The emptiest teamLabs exhibit is in Saga at the Mifuneyama Rakuen Hotel. Yes, it’s a journey but there’s literally no one here except the hotel staff. And it’s free

by mmats01

  1. There is a name for the exhibit at the entrance lobby of Mifuneyama Rakuen Hotel 御船山楽園ホテル at Takeo onsen 武雄温泉in Saga prefecture of Kyushu Island. It’s called:

    Forest and Spiral of Resonating Lamp

    4100 Takeocho Oaza Takeo, Takeo, Saga prefecture

    Hotel website: http://www.mifuneyama.co.jp/en/ (English)

    The high end hotel is located next to Mifuneyama Rakuen 御船山楽園, an expansive and flower-laden park spread out over 500,000 square meters at the base of Mt. Mifune. It was constructed at the bequest of a former feudal lord.

    https://www.teamlab.art/e/mifuneyamarakuen/ (English)

    The exhibit at the hotel is part of a large scale TeamLab exhibition, A Forest Where Gods Live 《かみさまがすまう森》, that has many exhibits installed around the park:

    – Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and Boats – Mifuneyama Rakuen Pond​ 小舟と共に踊る鯉によって描かれる水面のドローイング

    – Ever Blossoming Life Rock 増殖する生命の巨石

    – Universe of Water Particles on a Sacred Rock かみさまの御前なる岩に憑依する滝

    – Life is Continuous Light – Azalea Valley 生命は連続する光 – つつじ谷

    – Resonating Mt. Mifuneyama 呼応する御船山

    – Split Rock and Enso 岩割もみじと円相

    – Spatial Calligraphy on the Rock Wall of Five Hundred Arhats, Continuous Life 五百羅漢の岩窟の空書 連続する生命

    – Sea of Rocks of Oblivion 忘却の岩群

    – Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins 廃墟の湯屋にあるメガリス

    – Graffiti Nature – Living in the Ruins of a Bathhouse, Red List グラフィティネイチャー – 廃墟の湯屋に住む生き物たち、レッドリスト

    – Universe of Fire Particles in a Decaying Underground Passage 忘れ去られていた地下道の朽ち果てていく場に永遠に憑依する炎

    – Living Crystallized Light 生命は結晶化したうごめく光

    – Light Sculpture of Flames

    – Life Survives by the Power of Life II 生命は生命の力で生きている II

    – Ruptured Outer Wall and Stone Garden 壊された外壁と庭

    – Concrete and Abstract – Sacred Tree Forest Entrance 具象と抽象 – 神木の森の入口

    – Resonating Forest – Cherry Blossoms and Maple 夏桜と夏もみじの呼応する森

    – Resonating Forest in the Ravine 谷間の呼応する森

    and 17 more exhibits.

    The exhibition period is Jul 12 – Nov 04, 2024 although the lamp exhibit at the hotel lobby will stay one month longer till Dec 08.

    Mifuneyama Rakuen

    From the nearest train station Takeo Onsen 武雄温泉駅 it’s a 2.5km walk. From the historical hotel (operated since 1910) [Kyotoya 京都屋](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1hb44ro5yJpGmEs79) it’s 2km walk.

  2. Honestly, I found most people in Japan to be dressed so well that i tried to make them a part of many of the pictures I took

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