Sushi pizza <33 my fav

Sushi pizza <33 my fav

  1. I really didn’t know this was wrong? It was my first time at an all you could eat spot and I thought it looked cool, and it tasted good. My bad

  2. I’d definitely eat it. So was it like a crab mix with tobiko on top of what looks like some kind of fried patty? Also where’s the spot? Never seen sushi pizza at an AYCE sushi restaurant before.

  3. This looks the same as them spicy tuna on crispy rice things I see, except now it’s big and pizza shaped and has various toppings

    Tbh I dig it. Not my thing since I don’t like the crispy rice, but I can see why you’d enjoy it. My dad loves those tuna crispy rice things so I bet he’d like something like this too

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