Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 29, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.

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Seven Day Archive of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. What’s the deal with ずる verbs?? Are they that common? This is the first time I’ve heard about them because I’ve only been exposed to る and う verbs up until now. I thought they were just weird forms of する verbs, but apparently not?

  2. I am currently 4,000 words (8000 cards) into a core 6k anki deck and I feel like I’m in anki hell right now. Is it worth it to stop anki and use that time for reading and watching stuff in japanese? I’ve been thinking about stopping this current deck and starting my own.

  3. i was researching the difference between もらう & くれる.
    while i think i get it down, one thing i don’t understand is-

    i’m told this sentence is translated as “my friend gave me a birthday present.”
    but what makes this sentence not mean “my friend was given a birthday present”.
    i could understand in context, if I was referred to previously in the interaction, but no context is given for this, so i could only speculate.

    or could it be that-
    would mean “my friend was given a birthday present”, and the difference is that もらう & くれる are used when you, the speaker, are involved and あげる can be used when one person gives to another.
    Someone please explain thanks

  4. For this question (車の運転だできて/いいアイデアがあって/お金の準備ができて )からでないと、新しい事業が取りかかれない。 what makes お金の準備ができて the correct option and the others wrong?

    The explanation in this book for てからでないと・てからでなければ only says that the part that comes after has to be 否定的 and I’m having trouble finding this entry in DoJG. Also while I’m at it what exactly does 否定的 mean? Does it just mean that the verb is negative?

    edit: The first part was answered elsewhere but still would appreciate clarification on 否定的

  5. I’m trying to understand a song by Mamerico called “Navel.” One of my methods for studying japanese is using the lyrics of my favorite songs. However, since Mamerico is a lesser-known artist, I’m having trouble finding the lyrics of their songs (both in japanese and, of course, in english). I understand most of the song, but there are still some confusing parts, especially since I’m often guessing the words. I really love this song and would like to understand it fully.

    [Here](https://youtu.be/ljTGvU9MgQI?si=ExktZ3qEa4AYa5Ft) is the entire song for context.

    Here are the verses that I am having difficulty understanding:

    1. 不思議な子も行きたい場

    2. 願い事僕は今生まれたよ

    Again, I’m not sure if those are the actual lyrics so I would really appreciate if someone could enlighten me. Thanks!

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