Piss-drunk “blond, white” couple delayed a bunch of train this morning running around tracks laughing and “playing tag” with police officers.


  1. I hope they are YouTube influencers…under the influence and spend some time in jail. Good digital detox.

  2. Why don’t they write “black-haired, Japanese people” every other day when trains are stopped on this line

    Idiots will be idiots; why does it matter which nationality they are or what they look like

  3. If I were to condemn this behavior and note that it will have negative repercussions on the gaijin community I’d get called a self-righteous old man who doesn’t have any fun – probably by people who identify with the offenders in the story.

    (yes I know Japanese do stupid stuff as well, but optics and perception have tangible impact)

  4. About to lift every restriction and that kind of stuff already happening/getting visible.

    Noice 👌🏻🤣

  5. I was directly affected by this. Good thing there’s always more than one way to take the train from point A to point B without resorting to taking a bus or taxi.

    A lot of people going on about how this won’t make the news if they were Japanese but they certainly would.

  6. This plus the news about a foreigner defacing the national park with graffiti…. Probably time to shut the borders to tourists again.

  7. A very sad news…Stupidity to the max…. Foreign people living in Japan strive to get a good image not just because we only want to be recognize but because we love Japan and now this kind of stpd people just ruined it. Disappointed

  8. Are we sure it’s not a misunderstanding due to cultural differences? Maybe the train was too polite to outright say “I want to drive now”?

  9. “This is going to reflect badly on the gaijin community” lol give me a break.

    That ship that sank and killed all the people? Reflects badly on old Japanese dudes.

    That preschool kid left on the school bus? Reflects badly on old Japanese dudes.

    That former PM that got shot and killed? Reflects badly on middle-aged Japanese dudes.

    etc etc etc

    The only people who would think badly of foreigners because of this are people who *already* thought badly of foreigners for some other relatively minor thing.

  10. Gaijins gonna gaijin

    Just when people were starting to forget the useless Logan Paul, a new gaijin enters the dumb arena.

  11. LOL the Japanese are raging on the comments: ‘harmful race’ ,’Immigration restrictions should be strengthened ‘,’Invasive alien species that destroy lifelines’,’Damaging many Japanese at the cellular level, this is already terrorism ‘,’Delinquent foreigners are nothing but pollution.’

    I hope this doesn’t stops the VISA free tourism

  12. I’m on the saikyo line now and it makes sense why this shit was delayed 15 mins from musashi urawa 🙃🙃

    I saw the notification “person on tracks “ and I was like uh oh, I hope it’s not another suicide. Just got on the train, opened Reddit and this was the first thing I saw and it all makes sense now.

    Welp, hope they enjoyed their joy run. They’re gonna be in jail for a bit now or deported 🤷🏽‍♀️

  13. They’re either being deported shortly or paying an insanely expensive fine. JR will charge them for all costs.

  14. What we need are some white dudes pulling bank jobs or armored car heists or something like that. At least that way we would look like dangerous badasses.
    Now we just look like morons. People running around train tracks giggling and swimming naked in moats.

  15. It’s like a precursor for what’s going to expect us from October.

    It’s going to be fun, because this time we will have a clear “before foreign tourists” and “after foreign tourists allowed” comparisons. And I don’t think people are going to like it…

  16. Reading all of these comments makes me so happy I don’t live in a big city. If you guys are actually experiencing some kind of reaction after anything like this happens, that is insane.

    I live in the inaka, and anytime something bad happens with a gaijin, all of the Japaese people around me just ask me like, how does that make you feel? I hope no one bothers you about it.

    An ALT in my town got caught dealing drugs, and the first thing everyone around me said was, GOD what an idiot, I hope that doesn’t cause any trouble for you!

    I don’t know though, maybe I am just very well insulated, my wife is Japanese, and all of my friends are Japanese, and I don’t meet new people very often so maybe the racism is happening here and I just don’t notice it.

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