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by disastorm

  1. They’re weirdos. I got banned because I mentioned I had a home in the U.S. They told me I was banned because the sub was only for those who live in Japan but when I responded I also have a home in Yokohama they muted me.

  2. Mods on Japanlife and tolyoirl live on their own plane of existence and logic. Straight up crazy town.

  3. Someone should create a new Japan Life (Life in Japan) sub and have mods without grievances and chips on their shoulders.

  4. /r/Japan has some basket cases moderating lately also.

    I think a lot of subs had mods change over in the last five years or so, and the new guard are just not mentally strong enough to handle the job. But they cling to it anyway, believing it is some kind of power. 

    It doesn’t help that the general intelligence level on reddit is way down

  5. Japan has weird subs, japanlife, japan and (as mentioned) tokyoirl are all modded by weird people. This is the only “normal” one I’ve been on.

  6. Most sane ones are Japan finance and tokyo. Movingtojapan, Japan, Japannews etc are the worst subs, and if you write in Japanese you get banned. It’s the only country sub that does not allow Japanese whereas other subs are in their languages. So weird

  7. They’re morons and I reckon some don’t even live here in Japan. I’ve been here 14 years and of course have a lot of experiences. I got the boot after a year or so because I was calling out people who were just straight up lying about stuff. They told me I was causing problems. Go figure.

  8. So many reddit mods are petty power trippers who have no power in real life so they go online where they get a little bit of power and go crazy with it.

  9. One of them, you all know who, seems to be on Reddit 24/7. Like it’s insane I’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t say it often but unironically touch grass.

  10. Yeah I got the weirdest most out of nowhere impolite/disrespectful message yesterday for posting a random comment lol. It’s not you it’s them.

  11. It’s probably the bulldog guy, right?

    They are absolutely crazy. He bans people for fun it seems.

    Japanlife is basically JCJ.
    I’ve never posted there, but I see people post all the time, and 90% of the comments are just rude and insulting. Then the mod will ban the OP and leave everyone else alone.

    LOTS of keyboard warriors over there that wouldn’t dare say something to someone in real life.

  12. I got banned from japanlife because I asked a question about re-entering Japan after getting a new visa and the reason stated was “you need to be living in Japan”. I explained that I AM, I just got a new visa so I left the country to re-enter. They didn’t reply for a few days so I messaged again asking if there was a response to my appeal and he replied with “you were already unbanned, or would you like to be banned again?!” I’ve never seen a more obvious example of power tripping 🙄

  13. Just wait until you get banned from a sub you barely go to for posting in a *separate sub* — that’s when you know it’s all BS.

  14. Their behaviour betrays their mental state. They want people to be disgruntled with their life in Japan, because they themselves are. As such, they can’t really allow free conversation and discussion, and will often side with the disgruntled/offensive individual.

    I mean, these mods police their sub 24/7. Obviously, something has gone very wrong with their attempt to live in Japan if they have that much time to spend online.

    Further, they engage with censorship more as a result of their inability to acknowledge, address or confront the fact that they failed to carve out a fulfilling life here.

  15. I remember my alt got banned and unbanned once because I was on vacation back in America and asked if I could bring a comically large amount of sunflower seeds back to Japan LOL the mods are on some kind of high for some reason. I’m also convinced even though the rules say you can’t join if you don’t live in Japan I am PRETTY SURE one of them doesn’t even live in Japan. I only got unbanned cause I do live in Japan and one mod saw I posted on their regularly and said to not post while I’m in another country FOH

  16. So bad that OP and everyone commenting on this post (especially getting upvotes) will be banned from there.

  17. There’s also this ‘sad divorced dad’ vibe there which I find unnecessarily negative.

    Seems that every post about relationships with Japanese people (especially gaijin man + japanese woman) will be flooded with responses from people insisting that our cultures simply cannot mesh well, that the women want to steal your kids, that they’re all having affairs at nomikai, etc.

    I agree that Japan’s laws regarding custody are fucked, but still, cmon…

  18. Japan Residents for life.

    Japanlife is fucking bonkers.

    I’ve commented this before but I was banned from Japanlife for the funniest, weirdest reasons.

    First time a user called ‘Danieltheman’ or something replied to me, so I called him Danny as a joke. Japanlife mods banned me for ‘revealing someone’s true name’. I explained to them I said Danny because his name is Daniel, so they unbanned me, apologised, and said don’t let it happen again, which makes no sense.

    A week later someone was looking for advice how to get into a Japanese company. I work for a medical company here in overseas sales/business development, so I invited the user to message me and I’ll give some advice. I get banned for this and get a long VERY AGGRESSIVE message from a mod saying how I’m part of a multi level marketing market cult and need to ‘fuck off’ and take my MLM shit elsewhere.

    (I work for a big company here everyone knows in a boring office job. Nothing in the slightest relating to MLM haha.)

    I didn’t fight that ban and just gave up.

    I hear a lot if someone dares to mention anything outside of Japan they’re accused of not living here and banned for it. That’s a classic one.

    Japan Residents is MUCH nicer. People are more chill and jsut leave each other alone for the most part.

  19. They did this to me because I mentioned mobal a few months ago.
    They told me that mobal was only for tourists. I told them that I was a resident for over 7 months and was mostly making the post because I wanted to switch. They still banned me.

    A bit later, someone was struggling to get a phone plan because they didn’t have a preexisting Japanese phone number. I suggested using mobal for like a month to have a number, and got banned again.

    I think they just enjoy banning ppl idk. I just avoid japanlife now.

    I also pointed out to them that they should add a rule that says “no mobal” or smth, because I didn’t violate any written rules. They didn’t like my suggestion lmao

  20. I once wrote a post about a Cat Tent I bought online so that my cats could enjoy being in my small yard. They took it down and threatened to ban me after I pointed out that several posters found the information helpful. I didn’t write or share the post to win any prizes. I just thought it might be an inexpensive alternative for someone who owned a cat in Japan as it only cost about 12,000 yen, keeps your cat protected, and lets them enjoy being outside for a bit. Anyways, it’s been over a year now since I purchased the tent. We still use it every day. Cats want to go out for a bit in the morning and for a bit longer at night. Probably one of the best purchases I ever made for something so inexpensive.

  21. Got banned for a year because I was currently not in the country, even though I will soon and had been for 6+ years. I told them in DM that seemed unnecessarily strict as I wasn’t a tourist or japan newbie. I mean I used to be a guide there, married to Japanese person, worked in different industries, still spend nearly half a year in Tokyo every year…They said no exception then immediately permabanned and muted me.

    Guess being an internet tyrant is the only highlight in some people’s lives.

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