Weekly Praise Thread – 29 July 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Japanese paramedics are really cool. I had to call an ambulance twice due to covid issues, and both times, the staff were super friendly, funny, and helpful. And FREE.

  2. I had a Japanese license literally decades ago that expired 15 years ago when I was living out of Japan.

    Moved back to Japan a couple years ago but haven’t had the desire to drive until recently. Got a translation of my current US license (not a testing-exempt state)and made an appointment at the licensing center here. Arrived with my docs and expired Jpn dl (formally 失効’d in advance just in case).

    In and out in half a day – – no tests whatsoever! I thought I’d have to retest but I was saved by having formerly been a Japanese dl holder. Let summer fun start!

  3. My supervisor informed me that I boosted a student’s confidence yesterday. I was helping a student come up with a conclusion for their excellently-written speech. We were just brainstorming, and we discussed these ideas with my supervisor shortly after. The student doubted her conclusion, but now felt confident she had a good one.

    Made me smile

  4. Going against the trend of the week, I may not be married but that also means I’m not getting a divorce!

  5. I passed the 漢検2級!

    I somehow got a perfect score on writing and a couple other areas. getting the results back was a lot better than the JLPT. We can see all the answers and there is specific details about how we scored on sections compared to the average person.

  6. Finally got both PPPoE and DSlite to work at the same time for my Internet needs. DSlite is used for everything outgoing unless I specify otherwise, and PPPoE is used for the services provided by my home server.

  7. After years of talking about it, wife and I finally found the motivation to move to Tohoku last fall. Hitting the ten month mark and seeing the temperatures back in Tokyo this summer, I have to say my only regret is not having done it sooner. Cheaper, cooler, more relaxed and closer to nature.

  8. Tonight I take a plane and go back home for 3 weeks! It’s been almost 3 very long years, my parents may have already forgotten about my face : )

  9. Got my paws on the new choco mint flavor Black Thunder ice bar and it was everything I dreamed it would be.

  10. Got paid this week.

    Sleep has been poor lately, but improving. Sleeping in feels nice once in a while.

    After watching CDawg’s latest video I want to play crane games today after work.

    For some reason I’ve been feeling more comfortable speaking and writing Japanese (the latter without double checking with Google Translate as much)

    edit: just left from my medical appointment and the interpret is so kind and nice to chat with as usual

  11. Child has been having fever and coughing. His covid test came back yesterday. Thankfully, negative!

  12. Commenting on Mercari paid off. I commented saying, “Mm yes, I do think I would like to buy this product” before going to bed. I woke up and received a response saying they would give me a 100 yen discount since I was apparently a “リピーター” customer. I order snacks often and I guess I ordered from them before. The item became “(my name)様専用)”.

  13. Started learning HTML and CSS through Udemy and I’ve gotten through a quarter of the course so far. I don’t know if it’ll help me land a job in the future, but I’m having fun regardless.

  14. Threw out most of the cardboards. I bought lots of furniture because I just moved in. But I should have thrown them earlier. The garbage room filled with some already few days before the collection day.

    Got 27 inch Dell monitor with 2 HDMI and USB-C. But I gave up to use USB-C because it charges my laptop even fully charged.

    Got EVA Asuka figure from game center. But I didn’t count how many coins I put in.

  15. My wife and I were discussing that this is the longest I’ve had any job since the first one I got out of college. It certainly doesn’t seem that way. Amazing what having a job you enjoy and feel like you’re making an actual difference even when you don’t enjoy it does to your outlook on life.

    Had some hairy moments, like when we went 18 months without a new order but we’ve got so much work that my delivery dates have moved from 9 months to 17 and it’s because we have more tools ordered than we can design/build and I’ve got approval to buy more long lead time material for tools that are “maybe”s so upper management is trying to help where they can.

    Genuinely hoping I can stay here till I retire.

  16. Put together my daughter’s new bed yesterday and she was excited to sleep in it. It was her transition from crib to a real bed and we were worried she’d of course take it as an opportunity to get up and walk around, which she did not. She did however fall out of it at around 3 am which was kind of anticipated.

    We’ve been pleasantly surprised with how quickly she’s adapted to changes. The other week she finally pierced her night time pacifier so we told her that was the last one and this one is broken. She willingly went over to the garbage bin, tossed it, and slept without problem.

    It’s awesome to see your kids grow up and take these big steps.

  17. The new Ju-On tv series on Netflix is pretty good. I liked the first too movies, but couldn’t enjoy the later ones. The TV series seemed to do well going back to its roots.

  18. Got my 6 month performance check yesterday, and the studio lead gave me a really positive feedback.

    He also gave me the days off to go back home in October. I’m so excited! I haven’t went back in 4 years! All my coworkers are cool with it, and urge me to “just rest, don’t need to work” 😭💕

  19. The chat option for Amazon’s customer service is great for people like me who hate making phone calls. Fast, too.

  20. Me: There’s all kinds of viruses in free photo retouching software, do you use those?

    Wife: Maybe?

    Me: So definitely. OK let’s just pay for this antivirus for the year so we don’t have to worry


    Me: … eh … yes. I’m honestly surprised that’s a word. Do you know what hedge means?

    Wife: Sonic?

  21. The Fuji Rock livestream has been great so far. Nice to see that festivalgoers lucked out with the perfect weather, too.

  22. Code review went well. Claps for myself.
    was kinda hating this team, but the manager made a few changes in the team structure after I complained. let’s just continue for the 6 months and then call it quits.


  23. Gonna praise myself for not quitting my job today. Not even half way done.

    It’s bonus month

    Weather is good

    Want to praise the guy who was giving out water to homeless people the other day because of the heat.

  24. I sold 5 things on Mercari yesterday evening! 🙂

    I was surprised but I suppose it makes sense that men’s clothing is much easier to sell than women’s dresses and jumpsuits, no need to ask for measurements or anything. I’m still waiting for my big ticket item to go, but I think that’s a slow burner. Anyway yay 🙂

  25. Was hot and miserable working at home, so tried a sponsored co-working space in Takamatsu yesterday and felt like I had achieved a great deal more. I do have some aircon at home, but it is nice to be in a building which has it. Also to explore Takamatsu a bit, which I rarely get to.

    Also had a really nice chat with the owners of a cafe only 45 minutes walk from me and the nearest I can easily get breakfast.

    And found a small Korean food place in the local food court, which adds to a list of food I like. So very successful really.

  26. I finally got paid the insurance money from a bike accident (a car crashed into me while crossing) I had last October and it was more than I expected ✌️

  27. For the first time in years, I bought cough syrup from the store for a little nagging cough I’ve had(usually I just take cough drops because the cough syrups I’m used to from the states taste horrendous). I was expecting this also to taste horrendous but it was actually delicious. Thank you, Japan, for producing a medicine that doesn’t taste like black licorice.

  28. I wanna praise my SO for pointing out the difference between ラクトアイス & アイスクリーム while we were browsing frozen treats the other day. Apparently, ラクトアイス is not as healthy an option. The jury is out re: ミルクアイス.

    Anyways, stay cool everybody.

  29. Saw my baby at the ultrasound examination again today. I don’t know the kid yet but I like her so much!

  30. Praise my small city that has an immigration branch office in city hall. Never have to deal with any horror stories, just two guys who sit at their little desk and twiddle away. Never seen another soul there either. Asked for 3 years, received 3 years. I guess the dart board was tucked away this time.

  31. Digimon and Xenoblade release… couldn’t decide which one to pick and I can only play one since I’m pretty occupied with my work. Decided to spend the money on a xiaomi band for workout. I am satisfied.

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