Anyone know wtf this is? Should I get checked for poison or anything or is it just a hard biter?

Nasty bugger was rustling around inside my trousers. (Spent a lot of time outdoors recently) Nipped me twice before I scurried off to the restroom. Should I be worried?

Actually the most painful bites I’ve had in my entire life nothing crazy just wanna make sure my flesh not ab to start rotting

by ItsTrulyKustom

  1. Mukade/centipede. Unless you’re allergic you’ll be alright. Fun fact their “fangs” are modified legs

  2. Nothing to reference the size, but they get to about a foot in Asia. They are venomous, but I haven’t heard of anyone killed by it. The sting will leave a mark, swelling, and intense pain, but not as intense for little ones. Centipede

  3. Well you should kill that…

    *I just took my feet of the floor while sitting on sofa. Thank you.*

  4. You’ll probably have to stomp on it more than once too, those little buggers are hard to kill

  5. Centipede. I live in the mountains of Tokushima. We have Daiso large knifes and sharp scissors in every room of our house. We cut them in half and let them flop all over the place and put the head in the trash or toilet.

    When you get a bite, you just deal with the pain. Nothing to do. They hurt.

    This one in the photo is a tiny little baby. We get them the size of your finger and as long as a pencil.

  6. had one blow onto me once sitting at an observation tower when a typhoon was a few hours away. Didnt get me, but flying centepedes is something most people don’t realize can be a thing

  7. Im surprised people haven’t seen centipedes before.

    Nasty buggers.

    Great at hunting things like cochroaches though. I usually leave them alone unless inside the house.

  8. Okay. I once woke up in the middle of the night with pain on my toe. It felt like the pain came right from the bone it was weird. I go back to sleep. But I still feel the pain. While on the side I suddenly feel something going up MY FOREHEAD. I then feel a strong pain at about the same spot. I wake up and look for an insect with my wife.
    I finally find it trying to run away. I small mukade.

    I slap it a bunch of time with my bare hand, trying to stun it before it goes under the mattress.
    I read it was hard to kill, I cut it with scissors and put it inside very hot water in a mug.
    Worst night of my life, couldn’t really sleep after. Kept cursing at this insect and it’s whole family for some time.
    I’d rather have cockroaches inside the house than even just one of those.

    The worst.

  9. ムカデ (Mukade/centipede). No need to go to the hospital, not medically significant just painful as shit. Do NOT stomp them or cut them up, they release a scent when they die that attracts other centipedes. Instead go to your local drug store and get the freezing spray, it is super effective. Then dispose of it. Also get some mukade sticky traps, they’re long paper boxes with a clear window and they work really well. I put them by front door.

  10. Had one of them crawl into my room from the air-conditioning. I ended up burning it alive.

  11. Centipede.

    One of em bit me on the back of my head and I had severe pain in that area for one whole day, It took almost a week to get complete relief from that pain.

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